High good, low bad: Mead in February 2012

A new University of Nevada game seeks to educate players about conservation by allowing them to play water manager, but denies players population control as a tool.

Just say ‘no’ to Cadiz stock tease

Cadiz, Inc today announced that it has optioned use of a derelict gas line to ship northern Californian water to the Mojave Desert for long-term storage by southern Californian cities. Personally, I’m waiting for the announcement that it will be helicoptering in melting icebergs whose freshwater might otherwise be lost to salty seas. For more than a decade, Cadiz has styled its proposal to pump from 50,000 to 80,000 acre feet of water a year from a Mojave dry valley as a “conservation” project on the grounds that in addition to pulling water it could also conceivably bank surplus water from the Colorado River. 

Rivers of color

It's easy to miss the mosaic work around the rear stairwell leading from the parking lot to Vroman's bookstore in Pasadena, but that makes it all the more thrilling when a sudden mix of rain and milky winter light illuminate their spirit.

A genius caught between theft and heroism

Pacific Institute president and MacArthur Foundation fellow Peter Gleick impersonated a board member of an organization dedicated to denying climate change for all the right reasons but it now threatens his distinguished career. Is he a hero or a criminal -- or both?

Weather that drives you to the nozzle

Source: NOAA. Click on the map to be taken to the Climate Prediction Center.

With rainfall across Los Angeles less than half the putative average for this time of year, and forecasts making discouraging noises about the prospects for a “March miracle,” it’s time for dry gardeners to water.

As odd as it sounds to be prescribing irrigation after light rains blew through and before summer heat, for lack of meaningful precipitation, late winter is the time to charge unnaturally dry ground. The soil is still porous, so there should be no run-off. Shorter and cooler days check evaporation and native and Mediterranean gardens are growing now, so they need a drink before they slip into summer dormancy in May.

But use caution. This is by no means a recommendation for a return to lawn-style frequent and light watering. It’s not about pushing a lot of new growth. It’s a

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