When life gives you salt water, make subsidies
THIS week, the board of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California voted a hefty public subsidy for the Poseidon Group, a private company proposing a desalination plant in Carlsbad, CA, near San Diego. To this, Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute in Oakland, CA, has a two-part response in the San Francisco Chronicle. For part one, click here, for yesterday’s part two here.…
Bring it on
“TO SHORE up support for a controversial project, Southern Nevada Water Authority chief Pat Mulroy will ask her board for an ‘up-or-down vote’ on plans to pipe groundwater to Las Vegas from across rural eastern Nevada,” reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal today.
UPDATE – Saturday August 8, 2009: To read the Review-Journal about Patricia Mulroy and Las Vegas also in talks with Mexico over shared desalination deal, click here. …
Desalination: A drought proof supply?
The July-August edition of Western Water, a publication of the infinitely informative and useful Water Education Foundation, looks at desalination. Click on the surf to be taken to the magazine.…
De-sal for San Diego
San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board grants final approval for Carlsbad Desalination Project, reports Aquafornia.…