Western datebook: ‘Beyond Desire’

"The Furry Hub," P. 42-43 of the catalog imagines combining a number of municipal services in one urban center. The chapter asks: "What if you could change trains and habits in the same place?"

The Fifth Ecology: Los Angeles Beyond Desire” imagines the Los Angeles River re-developed in a way that celebrates and combines wetlands, recreation, transport and recycling. The work of a team of Swedish architects and designers from the Royal University College of Fine Arts in Stockholm, the exhibit opens tomorrow at the g727 gallery, formerly the James Rojas Gallery. A handsome catalog is now available online.

This item was spotted on LA Creek Freak, where Joe Linton has an insightful and affectionate essay about the Swedish team.

Art and water in Beverly Hills

Graffiti at the confluence of the LA River and Arroyo Seco by Liz Reday at "Affaire in the Gardens" this weekend in Beverly Hills

MORE  than 200 artists from around the country will be featured at the Beverly Hills art show Affaire in the Gardens this weekend, reports Barbara Thornburg in the Los Angeles Times. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in Beverly Gardens Park, located on four blocks from Rodeo to Rexford drives along Santa Monica Boulevard. The subject of this year’s show is water, “although no rain is planned,” event spokesman Robert Nieto says.

Baja on show

Spiny-Tailed Iguana (Ctenosaura hemilopha conspicuosa) eating Cardon Cactus (Pachycereus pringlei) blossoms. Photo: Ralph Lee Hopkins. All rights reserved. Click here to be taken to the San Diego Natural History Museum

THE WORK OF National Geographic photographer Ralph Lee Hopkins is included in the new show “Baja California” at the Ordover Gallery of the San Diego Natural History Museum. Also on view will be photographs by Octavio Aburto, Pilar Artola, Miguel Angel de la Cueva, Jack Dykinga, Patricio Robles Gil, Flip Nicklin, Abe Ordover, and Julio Rodriguez Ramos. All artwork in The Ordover Gallery is for sale. A substantial portion of proceeds will benefit the museum. For more information, go to: www.ordovergallery.com.

Arachnophiles, rejoice

EVERY fall, the Butterfly Pavilion of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County metamorphoses into the Spider Pavilion. It happened this Sunday. Arachnophiles, rejoice. The Spider Pavilion is officially open. For details, click here. For help identifying the authors of the autumn webs now in most eaves and trees, click here.

This post has been updated. The headline has been changed to reflect this spider lover’s glee.

Western eye

"Storm over the Green River" taken in Canyonlands National Park, Utah. Photograph: Robert Turner. Image courtesy of the artist. All rights reserved.

ONE of the first things that people ask photographer Robert Turner on seeing “Storm over the Green River” is if it’s a painting or if it’s been photo-shopped to look like a painting.

“It’s absolutely a straight photograph,” he laughs. “I think there are several reasons it looks like a classic 19th century Thomas Moran landscape,” he says. “It was taken just before sunset during a storm.  That clouding effect in the background is caused by rain. And it’s a five-second exposure, so it has a gauzy look to it.”

The composition also has much to do with the painterly quality, he thinks. “It has a very strong diagonal and a sort of implied diagonal going the other way, so it leads your eye way, way back in

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