The lion of Longboat Key
The much feared Marcella Hazan only looked leonine, all mane and sleepily watchful eyes. She was in fact profoundly kind and as likely to maul as the marble lions out front of the New York Public Library.My balls are real
A walk in the park produced two very rare baseballs. That the Lou Gehrig and Vic Willis signatures were forgeries didn't make them any less rare for an avid collector of lost Little League balls.Pardon our wildflowers
Posting has slowed to a standstill while I am on assignment. Please feel free to browse the resource pages and archives of this site or to contact me with any queries. -Emily Green
Reddit Water
As the stunningly sad news of the death of Reddit collaborator Aaron Swartz registers, this is a bow to the information-sharing service Reddit Water. If you don’t know about it, try it.
Tom Lubbock’s early newspaper collages
Tom Lubbock illustration for an Independent newspaper Edinburgh Festival pub guide, 14 August 1989.
I lost contact with Tom Lubbock many years before leaving England in 1998, however landing last night on his almost two-year-old online obituary in the UK Independent instantly drove me to sheafs of yellowing newspaper clippings. I have hoarded these through many moves precisely because they contain Tom’s artwork. …
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