The more Cadiz changes…

… the more it remains the same. At a meeting in Ontario, CA, today of the Association of Ground Water Agencies, the speculator Cadiz, Inc will present a privately-commissioned study showing that the Mojave aquifer it proposes to pump can yield  50,000 acre feet of water a year, or enough for 400,000 people.

Business Week* and the Cadiz website have the stories, which in the case of Cadiz’s version is just that — a story.

Cadiz to undergo new review

Publication yesterday by the Pacific Institute of the 2001 Department of Interior environmental impact report of the Cadiz groundwater project in the Mojave prompted the announcement by Cadiz Inc today that it would be seeking a new review, the scope of which is unclear.

Cadiz environmental review back online

Click on the cover to be taken to the report

WITH THE revival of the Cadiz groundwater project in the San Bernardino desert, the Pacific Institute has put back online an exhaustive environmental impact report finished in 2001. To access it, click on the cover, or hereFor the Pacific Institute overview page of its work on the Cadiz project, click here.  The institute’s president, Peter Gleick, who offered to host the material, says the “serious thanks” are due to Courtney Smith for uploading it. Courtney, thank you! Seriously.

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