Workshops explain new statewide landscape irrigation ordinance
Use of lawn will be reduced indirectly in AB 1881 by a reduction in allowed evapotranspiration rates. Photo: Florian's photostream on Flickr.
CALIFORNIA’S new ordinance on water use in landscapes, AB 1881, became law in September. Counties and cities will be required to comply with it, or stricter local standards, by January 1, 2010. Starting tomorrow (Tuesday October 20th) in Los Angeles, Wednesday in San Diego and Thursday in Chino, workshops will be held around the state to explain what this involves. Click here for details and a state-wide schedule, along with information on how to register by e-mail. Admission is free.
$12bn water bill
MIDNIGHT Friday September 11th is the deadline for passage in the California state legislature of a bill, or package of bills, aimed at solving the state’s water crisis before the end of the 2009 legislative season.
Potential cost? $12bn.
Who will it affect?
Every Californian who needs water.
Provided that a water package is passed [a bigger if by the day] the next time that many Californians may hear of it could be when the bond measure covering the cost appears on November ballots in 2010.
To judge from draft bond measures now in circulation, that price ranges between $11.7 and $12.395bn, though some estimates put the figure far higher. So, averaged out, think of the potential price …
Beverly Hills Billionaires Bilk Bay-Delta, Taxpayers Too
Poor farmers, except Stewart and Lynda Resnick. The Contra Costa Times reports that in addition to owning more than 115,000 acres in Kern County and the largest pistachio and almond growing and processing operation in the world, the Resnicks’ holding company, Roll International, also owns Fiji water, Pom Wonderful pomegranate juice, and Teleflora, the largest floral wire service in the world. Evidently that wasn’t rich enough, reports an excellent series by Contra Costa Times reporter Mike Taugher. The Resnicks have found a nifty way to profit from water, gleaning 20 cents of every dollar spent on Delta preservation — at the expense of the taxpayer and the environment. Taugher’s stories are linked below. If the links fail, you may need to register with the Contra Costa Times.
2. Paper Shuffle Allows for Easy Money