Just say, “Hell, no.”
Pampas grass invades Encinas Creek in San Diego County. Source: California Invasive Plant Council. Click on the image to the taken to Cal IPC's "Don't Plant a Pest" site.
The environment writer’s environment writer, Ilsa Setziol, has this piece on invasive plants in the new edition of High Country News.
To everyone who ever admired Mexican feather grass, read it.
To Ilsa, who in addition to producing Rambling LA also contributes to this site, the Los Angeles Times, KQED’s Climate Watch and public radio, how nice to see you in HCN.…
Western datebook: Weed maps
The Invasive Spartina Project uses aerial photography and GPS to monitor cordgrass in the San Francisco Bay. Source: California Invasive Plant Council. Click on the map to be taken to the project's home page.
CORRECTION: IN EARLY versions of this post, the dates for the event below were incorrectly given for November. The event is in December.
Wednesday December 9 and Thursday December 10, the California Invasive Plant Council will be giving courses at the Audubon Center at Debs Park in Los Angeles on invasive plant control and mapping methods.
For information, click here.
For information about PlantRight, a campaign to convince nurseries to remove invasive plants from their shelves, click here.…