When life gives you salt water, make subsidies
THIS week, the board of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California voted a hefty public subsidy for the Poseidon Group, a private company proposing a desalination plant in Carlsbad, CA, near San Diego. To this, Peter Gleick, president of the Pacific Institute in Oakland, CA, has a two-part response in the San Francisco Chronicle. For part one, click here, for yesterday’s part two here.…
Cadiz environmental review back online
WITH THE revival of the Cadiz groundwater project in the San Bernardino desert, the Pacific Institute has put back online an exhaustive environmental impact report finished in 2001. To access it, click on the cover, or here. For the Pacific Institute overview page of its work on the Cadiz project, click here. The institute’s president, Peter Gleick, who offered to host the material, says the “serious thanks” are due to Courtney Smith for uploading it. Courtney, thank you! Seriously.…
Saved by drip?
A REPORT this week from the Pacific Institute argues that using pricing to encourage California farmers to switch from flood irrigation to sprinklers or drip could conserve 5.6 million acre-feet of water a year. According to the report’s co-author Peter Gleick, this is the equivalent to:…
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