Define jerk
“ADD City Councilman Greig Smith to the list of scofflaws violating Los Angeles’ water conservation restrictions,” reports the LA Daily News. “In a direct challenge to the Department of Water and Power, Smith announced Wednesday he is violating the twice-weekly watering limitations …” to keep reading, click here. Via LA Observed.
Note: it has been politely pointed out to me that Councilman Smith is probably not a jerk. The headline was a not-so-subtle editorial on a subject that deserves more civil and serious treatment. The councilman may be right that his lawn looks better when watered on days of his choosing. If he believes so strongly in that lawn regimen, he owes it to his conscience and perhaps even this City to say so, and even to flout the law. But he also owes it to this City to quit his job before taking action that mocks …
The Mayor’s sprinkler malfunction
FROM, this nugget: Reporters Joel Grover and Matt Goldberg have found Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to be a serial scofflaw of the June 1 drought ordinance that he himself supported.
Mandatory Conservation Begins in Los Angeles
Water conservation becomes mandatory in Los Angeles today. New rules:
YES: Water your lawn for 15 minutes per station or sprinkler, or 10 minutes for other types of irrigation systems
YES: Water on Monday and Thursday
NO: Water between 9 am and 4pm
NO: Water Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday
NO: Allow runoff into the street
NO: Use water on hard surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways and parking lots
NO: Leave a leak unfixed
NO: Washing a car with a hose without a shut-off nozzle on the hoze…