Entering the age of Ritalin

Posted on | October 10, 2009 | 6 Comments

250px-Methylphenidate-enantiomers-3D-balls. Source: WikipediaWITH what is less a case of skepticism and more one of complete incomprehension, Chance of Rain has joined Twitter. The inconspicuousness of the icons, which are  found at the bottom of each post, attest to the ambivalence. I owe the ironic reference to Ritalin to my friend, poet Amy Scattergood. What Twittering does apart from wrecking any hope of concentration and reducing us all to high school students is unclear to me, but there is something generous, free-wheeling and stupid-profound about it too, not to mention good for numbers. This much I can see from the clickometer of this website: When Aquadoc of WaterWired, aka Michael Campana of Oregon State University, thinks enough of something I’ve written to tweet it, people read it.

Relying on Michael to tweet indefinitely for me would be an abuse of his infinite obligations to just about anyone ready and willing to improve understanding of water.

So, to the great universe on Tweet, I mean Twitter, how scary you are. To my 300 or so daily readers, thank you.


6 Responses to “Entering the age of Ritalin”

  1. Chris Austin
    October 11th, 2009 @ 7:20 am

    So what is your twitter name?

    A search for “Chance of Rain” didn’t turn up anything, and searching Emily Green got … well, a lot of ladies I’m sure are not you!

  2. EmilyGreen
    October 11th, 2009 @ 8:52 am

    Yes, those ladies are too young, among other things. Apologies for hiding the link. It is: http://twitter.com/chanceofraincom

  3. Patti Gagan
    October 11th, 2009 @ 10:08 am

    Too funny, Emily!

  4. j gold
    October 11th, 2009 @ 11:01 am

    But did you tweet this post?

  5. Michael
    October 11th, 2009 @ 11:28 am

    Hi, Emily.

    Wonderful – now I have infected you as well as Robert Osborne (Watercrunch)!

    My geek IT-type friends tell me that blogging and Twitter are passe and that Tumblr is the ‘latest thing’!

    By the way, I tweeted your post.

  6. EmilyGreen
    October 12th, 2009 @ 7:10 am

    Thank you Aquadoc! The Twitter and RSS icons have been added. When birds begin twittering, it is usually to call a separated flock member, or to alert to the presence of food. I will try to keep this in mind.

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