Western datebook
Posted on | October 10, 2009 | 1 Comment
THE CALIFORNIA State Board of Food and Agriculture will hold its first 2010 Drought Meeting looking at how fluctuating supply affects water quality. The board will hear from speakers from the Central Valley Water Quality Control Board and conduct a panel discussion on “actionable solutions with agricultural farm organizations, water districts and state officials.” The word “actionable” usually refers to law suits, but in this case it connotes seriousness and is code for rent-a-mobs and posturing politicians to stay away. That said, public participation and comment is encouraged. Time: Wednesday, October 14, 10am-2pm. Place: Fresno Farm Bureau, 1274 West Hedges Avenue, Fresno, CA 93728
Tags: California State Board of Food and Agriculture > chance of rain > drought > Emily Green
One Response to “Western datebook”
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October 10th, 2009 @ 8:27 pm
Thanks for posting this Emily! The board had a meeting with Australian water and agriculture officials two weeks ago since their drought is in their 10th year. We need to think in terms of drought stages. The first is obvious scarcity and the dispute over what is available; the second is water quality given that less water increases concentrations of salt just for beginners; and the third includes things like air quality concerns from dust storms – like they had in Australia in the past weeks. That means we can’t expect to keep having the same disputes under the same terms and think that we’ll solve anything.