Manufacturing a mirage

Posted on | March 8, 2010 | 1 Comment

Source: The Weather Doctor. Click on the image to be taken to a tutorial on, for want of a better word, "real" mirages.

No news is no news, unless you’re selling water in the desert, in which case, you’re probably pretty good at making it up. Hats off to Cadiz, Inc for today announcing the name of the drilling company that they will prefer for a groundwater mining project that hasn’t undergone environmental review yet. Making premature announcements is one way to make the project look further along than it is for shareholders, but the main intent seems to be to stoke local political support for the project by dangling the promise of jobs.


One Response to “Manufacturing a mirage”

  1. David Zetland
    March 14th, 2010 @ 3:38 am

    just trying to keep in the public eye…

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