Native plants, native water

Posted on | October 2, 2010 | 2 Comments

I will be presenting slide shows this coming week, tomorrow at 12noon at the California Native Plant Society’s Sale in Encino and Thursday at 9.30am as Lili Singer’s guest at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden in Arcadia, about the conversion from a conventional garden (above) to a largely native one (below). The upshot was a massive increase in shade and wildlife value, elimination of storm water run-off and steep decrease in maintenance fees and water use. Judge for yourself as to beauty. For details about tomorrow’s talk, click here, for Thursday’s here. Click on photos to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Native plants, native water”

  1. Elizabeth Fenner
    October 6th, 2010 @ 11:48 am

    Dear Ms. Green–
    I have always followed your column and in fact live in the West Adams neighborhood so I well know the yard to which you refer. Last year we cleared numerous weed trees in our yard and covered the yard with the resulting wood chips. But before we begin landscaping we want to make sure drainage is covered, from the roof all the way to the garden, with as little run-off as possible. Can you recommend any contractors/companies who put in conscientious drainage systems (including rain barrels and dry creek beds)? We can do some of the work ourselves, but feel technically overwhelmed. Thanks.

  2. EmilyGreen
    October 6th, 2010 @ 1:36 pm

    Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your comment. The landscape designer (soon to be architect) who designed my rain garden with me (working around existing plantings) is the wonderful Nick Tan of Urban Organics. I cannot recommend him highly enough. His rates are reasonable, he works with you instead of bilking you to burden you with his vision, and he’s a neat human being.

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