A shortcut around damp writing

Posted on | December 20, 2010 | 3 Comments

Rain is good for most things in Southern California, except the news, where it wreaks havoc with language. For those who simply want to find out how much rain fell without being subjected to a feverish boob’s deployment of “lash,” “dump,” “slam” etc, a link to the Los Angeles/Oxnard online weather data page. According to this, as of yesterday, downtown Los Angeles has received 4.61 inches of rain in December alone, 4.29 of it in the last four days. This is a lot, roughly a quarter of what a good rain year might give us in 12 months. More is expected today and in the coming week. To check your forecast, click here.

This drenching, known among weathermen as the “Pineapple Express” because of the tropical system enticed into our Mediterranean climate zone, is rare, but not as rare as tomorrow’s lunar eclipse coinciding with winter solstice. Click here for Science Daily.


3 Responses to “A shortcut around damp writing”

  1. Jessica
    December 20th, 2010 @ 11:17 am

    It would be a gift for the skies to part long enough for us to see the eclipse, and then go back to giving us this great rain.

  2. EmilyGreen
    December 20th, 2010 @ 11:33 am

    A gift indeed!

  3. j gold
    December 20th, 2010 @ 12:00 pm

    Instead, it is the cosmos laughing at us.

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