Foothill outdoor watering ban

Posted on | March 15, 2011 | No Comments

Customers of Pasadena Water & Power and the eight water agencies that make up the Foothill Municipal Water District are being asked to cease all outdoor water use from March 18 through 28 while the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California does seismic work on its Weymouth Treatment Plant in LaVerne. During the work, Metropolitan will stop all water deliveries to Pasadena and neighboring foothill cities. The Pasadena Garden Club is marking the occasion by asking me to speak at its meeting on March 22nd. At a guess, my message that we should drastically cut outdoor irrigation year-round in an effort to save energy used to convey water, eliminate contaminated sprinkler run-off into the Pacific and relax pressure on the Colorado River and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta will be about as popular as a bartender prescribing a 12-step program.

Meanwhile, these photos, taken last weekend at the Water Conservation California Friendly garden of Altadena’s Lincoln Avenue Water Company, one of the agencies affected by the foothill-wide stoppage, show sprinkler irrigation from an upslope property creating a small river of run-off around the demonstration garden. The watering was being done mid-day, when loss to evaporation can be as much as 50%.


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