Here it is. Take it.
Posted on | April 13, 2011 | 1 Comment
“We anticipate residential consumers and businesses throughout the Southland will continue to use water efficiently,” said Jeffrey Kightlinger, General Manager of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California in a press release signaling that the giant wholesaler will be resuming full deliveries of water to 26 member agencies after several years of shortages. The shortages triggered region-wide conservation programs, whose fates and continued effectiveness are unclear in the momentary face of plenty. Click here for the full release.
Tags: chance of rain > Conservation > Emily Green > Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
One Response to “Here it is. Take it.”
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April 14th, 2011 @ 5:05 am
Full deliveries DO NOT prevent shortages. They are supply; demand matters. Kightlinger *hopes* that people will “be responsible” but what if they are not? Nothing is fixed, but I will probably sell more books.