Full metal garden
Posted on | December 23, 2011 | No Comments
To harvest rain from your roof for the garden, first you have to catch it. This requires gutters. Gutters are by no means universal appurtenances. Some home styles, such as Craftsman, Spanish and Colonial lend themselves so happily to gutters that they usually come with them. The rolled metal amounts to jewelry around the eaves.
However, put the same gutters on a modern home and you have a problem. The handsomeness of the structure is often defined by the lines of the roof and eaves. Gutters look dumpy; downspouts amount to vandalism.
The upshot? To those of us who live in midcentury homes and want to practice water conservation, the question of whether or not to put up gutters can feel like a choice between looking good or being good.
Click here to keep reading part one on capturing rain in the Los Angeles Times and here for part two.
Ruben Ruiz, the sheet metal artist and gutter fabricator described in these pieces may be reached at:
ruizsheetmetal [@] gmail.com by removing the anti-spam brackets and closing the spaces.
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