David Nahai out at LADWP

The Los Angeles Times has the story of the sudden resignation of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power general manager David Nahai, which was announced in a morning statement from the Mayor’s office. LA Observed has the mayor’s statement and Nahai’s resignation letter. It is expected that stepping up as temporary replacement will be deputy mayor S. David Freeman. According to Freeman, Mayor Villaraigosa is interested in forming a coalition of urban mayors on water issues.

10/3/2009 UPDATE: for a follow-up story from the Times, click here.

10/7/2009 UPDATE: The Los Angeles Times has a scathing editorial on the political maneuvering behind Nahai’s dismissal. An excerpt: Nahai’s “lukewarm support for Measure B, a flawed initiative on the March ballot, attracted the ire of its architect — Brian D’Arcy, the head of the DWP’s powerful electricians union. A key aim of Measure B was to ensure that

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