The Assignment? “Explain the Delta”

Posted on | March 17, 2015 | No Comments

When KCET came to me with a project funded by the Rose Foundation to "explain the Delta" to Southern Californian's, the easiest explanation was, "You're drinking it." The first in a multi-part new series for KCET shows how California set out to spread water from places that had it to places that didn't. This 1930 map from the California State Water Plan shows how engineers were eyeing Delta water for the San Joaquin Valley in the run-up to the construction of the federal aqueduct system known as the Central Valley Project.

When KCET came to me with a project funded by the Rose Foundation to “explain the Delta” to Southern Californians, the easiest response was, “You’re drinking it.” The first in a multi-part new series for KCET shows how the Delta became ground zero for a plan by California and the federal Bureau of Reclamation to spread water from places that had it to places that didn’t. Click on this 1930 map from the California State Water Plan to be taken to Part One of the KCET Bay Delta Project.


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